Well at long last, the audit report came through and we were able to get the management report signed off and hold our AGM. The paperwork for OATSIS is completed and on it's way.
I trawled the community for attendees and enticed with a hot sausage breakfast. We have been pretty devastated with the many funerals and sorry camps, it has been a difficult few months. The sorry camp will move to Blackstone again after Easter and one of the Mitchell family, a man who has been ill for a long time and on dialysis in Alice Springs, has died and his funeral will be here soon.
It has been difficult to get the numbers for anything of late, even the trip to Warakurna for the recent Governance training only had two Blackstone ladies attend.
I was non the less delighted with the turn out for our AGM and the new executive committee appointed, some new hands went up, we have retained some experienced members and gained some new blood. A good result all round. Peter Shepherd our stalwart Governance Consultant convened the meeting, hence the timely reporting and shipping of the necessary paper work.
I faxed down the audit report and management letter to ICC Kalgoorlie, time will see what feed back we get from that. 19/03/08 Well it seems that I did not send the management letter, it seems I sent a letter with the wrong title. I sent an Auditor's comment listing the findings from the audit ... I should have sent an auditors management letter which listed the findings from the audit.